Mindfulness Meditation
Feel the feeling but don’t
Become the emotion.
Witness it. Allow it. Release it.
Do you know that inside of you, you have some wise answers to all the questions you’ve ever have about your life. Today let’s go to a magical place with our imagination and close your eyes and take in a very slow and deep breath. Now exhale slowly. Keep breathing deeply and feel your belly extend as you breathe in and out. So every time you breathe, not just the cool air reaches your lungs but also the down the belly. This way your whole body get relaxed.
As you breathing, turn your attention to all quiet sounds outside of you and surrounding. You may hear bird chirping, the sound of the breeze, cars or something else and you just have to listen to all the sounds- loud & faint. (Pause)
Now let’s turn your focus inwards and listen very gently to what you hear happening within your body. Are you able to listen your heart beating and may be the breath as you breathe in slowly in and out. Whatever is going on inside just take time to listen carefully. Pay attention to the sound of your breath. You’ll realise that it’s almost a magical. Your whole body is alive and it’s this breath, among other things that is keeping you alive. Your smile will automatically flashes on your face realising the magical process that keeps on going every day and still we can’t take notice of it because all our busy schedule. Allow the breath to fill up your whole body and let it get reach to each cell and each atom of your body. Just feel that and relax deeper.
Now it’s time to sink deeper and listen even more closely. You need to listen and pay attention to the feelings inside of you that are needed to be expressed, or talked about. Keep calm and quiet and your feelings will start talking with you. Maybe you’ll suddenly get an answer to a question you’ve had or you’ll realise something you have been feeling all along.
It’s very crucial that we take time to listen ourselves each and every day. You are already complete and don’t need to someone to listen and provide answers for you. When you dwell inside yourself you’ll get better solution. It helps you to connect with you really are inside that will also help you in growing up. You’ll start falling in love with yourself. Your thoughts and feelings really matter where you can trust yourself and your feelings. Next time when you doubt on yourself, just ask and listen within for the answers.
Just be reassured that these intentions are within you. Take a moment now to take a deep breath and throw all the negative air from inside and give your body a stretch. With a gentle smile open your eyes !